Something that I learned far to late, and that it is so important to know before you step into adulthood and its reality.
As a teenager, you make a lot of mistakes, which are often a good way to learn new things. Teenagers have very little limits and they will do everything to stretch them. Sometimes the will to show off is far stronger than wisdom, frequently leading to tragedies. But there are mistakes that, although they seem forgotten, will haunt you for a long time, sometimes even forever.
Sometimes people do mistakes because they are “programmed” to do so by their environment. Believe or not, but even your close family and/or friends can “program” you without even knowing that they are doing so; sometimes such “programming” is deliberate.
The title of this post is a very popular say, and it is very true. Everything you experience in your life is your making. There is no such thing as luck; even lottery winning is a mathematical probability. Although one could say the that’s exactly what luck is – the winning “One of Many”.
You might ask, how about bad situations in life? Surely people don’t stir things bad way on purpose? Of course not, but all outcomes are the result of your reaction to a situation. Even in case, if you are attacked on the street, where you could say that it’s not your fault, and you are right – it is NOT your FAULT. But it is one of many possible outcomes of your actions. For example, if you didn’t go out, it wouldn’t have happened. If you took a different route… If you left earlier or later… I am getting a bit technical here but it’s just to prove to you that “life is as you make it” has sense.
I’m going to tell you a few tales from my life that might come useful, while you are creating your own life story. In the next few posts, I’m going to tell about my childhood and bullying that I experienced. That period was crucial to my life story and I hope that my memoirs will be read by young parents, and treated as a warning and advice on building relationships with their children, from the very start. You’ll see how messed up a person might become.
I’ve been messed up, but I’ve always been strong. My adventurous nature helped me survive and enabled me to share my story. Watch this space!